
Teva 秉承以人爲本的精神,建立全球性的規模,讓人們得以接觸優質的藥物,使世界千百萬人生活得更好、更健康。爲達到此目的,我們開發及生產可負擔的優質非專利藥物、革新的專科藥及藥物原材料。
作爲環球藥業領袖及世界最大非專利藥物生產商,僱員是我們成功的關鍵。我們的同事分駐超過 60 個國家,生產及送遞不同類別的藥物,至今已有兩億人口受惠。
Teva Corporate Video
Many things in life can be counted. At Teva we focus on the things that count. Teva Pharmaceuticals has been developing and producing medicines to improve people’s lives for more than a century. We are a global leader in generic and specialty medicines with a portfolio consisting of over 3,500 different products in nearly every therapeutic area. Around 200 million people around the world take a Teva medicine every day and are served by one of the largest and most complex supply chains in the pharmaceutical industry. Along with our established presence in generics, we have significant innovative research and operations supporting our growing portfolio of biopharmaceutical products. Learn more at